We offer a variety of Security and Investigative solutions for all.

Please scroll down the page for all of our services.

Manned Guarding

CMLI Security Ltd is a member of the SIA's Approved Contractor Scheme and as such is registered as an ACS Accredited security company. Here at CMLI Security Ltd we are dedicated to ensuring you receive the best service possible. We only supply professional, properly licenced (SIA) security officers that can be available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Each security officer has an extensive background check conducted and references sought prior to employment with CMLI. We understand that effective and influential communications is key in any security role that is why ALL of our staff have excellent English language skills and are able to communicate concisely and effectively during any incident or during general day to day duties. We believe that our staff are key to our success which is why we ensure all of our staff are regularly briefed and attend regular update training to ensure we have the most effective security capabilities at all times. There is no doubt that in the current economic climate that times are now financially challenging, and that security isn't always the first thought when it comes to protecting your assets and/or your business, but consider the alternative, if you were unable to work due the theft of equipment or vandalism, that could be catastrophic for your business. We are not driven by profit margins (although we are in business to thrive), we are driven and dedicated to providing a first-class solution at a price we consider great value for money. What we do not is get into a bartering war to drive our prices down, that leads to poor quality of service and a poor-quality security officers. What we do here at CMLI Security Ltd is we offer a professional, capable, dedicated and reliable service for a fair price.

Executive Protection

Ensuring someone’s safety and working in a secure environment is always the top priority of any organisation. CMLI Security Ltd can provide executive protection for individuals, groups of people or events. We operate whether there is a specific threat or whether the risk is more general in nature. We have experience in providing such a service for overseas royalty, government officials, high profile individuals, and business executives. CMLI can provide protection discreetly or openly, to suit the nature of any activity and have experience in operating in a range of environments from the diplomatic nature of an embassy, the business arena of city financial districts and the challenging environment of combat zones and because your security is our priority, CMLI Security Ltd only employ the very best protection officers trained to extremely high standards that have been sourced from specialist Military or Police agencies, ensuring you and your family members are safe wherever you are.

Security & Risk Management

CMLI Security’s management consultancy is focused on people and implementation. The senior management team all cut thier teeth working within the Rail industry conducting security surveys and risk asessments during the extremely busy period of the Olympics and then post Olympics onto the wider rail community throughout the UK. The project was successful in identifying and reducing risks across a number of catergory A stations and minor regional stations. Our assessments included security management, outsourced providers operational planning and implementation. CMLI can advise security managers in many areas: guard force or security systems procurement, team leadership, development of operational processes, or testing and assurance. Our operational security consultancy works on the frontline of security delivery at the site or security team level. It will often involve personnel, operational and technical security elements. It balances different security measures – human, process, physical, and technical team or physical assets. CMLI can ensure there are no gaps in security delivery. Our consultants also test existing security measures using a blend of intrusion testing, social engineering, competency reviews, and technical security sweeps to ensure that security is effective and applied appropriately.

Corporate Investigations

All organisations, whatever their size, can suffer large monetary losses due to security weaknesses, fraud or corruption. CMLI Security Ltd has a wealth of expertise in assisting clients dealing with these threats. Our Risk Analysis involves reviewing and analysing existing security measures to gauge their effectiveness against the current threats faced by the organisation, together with the creation of an organisation wide security policy. CMLI Security Ltd can also provide a high quality and cost-effective investigation service to support any suspicions within the business. CMLI Security Ltd has the ability to provide an insight into business competition or a specific marketplace that would otherwise remain unknown. Being armed with a greater degree of information can allow businesses to make more informed decisions, creating an environment where development can be cultivated, and progress can be achieved. A lack of understanding can leave valuable commercial areas unexploited and companies operating at a disadvantage. CMLI Security Ltd only supply professional Security Industry Authority licenced officers available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Each security officer has an extensive background check conducted and references sought prior to employment with CMLI. We understand that effective and influential communications is key in any security role that is why ALL of our staff have excellent English language skills and are able to communicate concisely and effectively during any incident or during general day to day duties. We believe that our staff are key to our success which why we ensure all of our staff are regularly briefed and attend regular update training to ensure we have the most effective security capabilities at all times.

Clinical Research Fraud & Misconduct

CMLI Security Ltd is the most experienced independent clinical research fraud/misconduct investigation company in the world, boasting a successful track record through two decades of operations. The investigation team is made up of specialist investigators; all carrying extensive police background experience and are supported by the in-house medico-legal team offering ethical and legal support. CMLI has handled over 100 cases of potential research misconduct cases, 29 of those were referred for full disciplinary hearings at the General Medical Council with a 96.5% successful prosecution rate. Investigations are confidential, cost-effective and reliable and available for all pharmaceutical companies, NHS Trusts, Universities and private healthcare organisations involved in clinical research both in the UK and overseas.


Conducting surveillance is a niche skill set that very few are good at. At CMLI Security Ltd all of our Surveillance staff are handpicked and have specialist backgrounds from elite units within the military or security services. They are trained to the very highest standards and have conducted live operations in some of the harshest surveillance environments around the globe. They are all experts in the use of the very latest equipment and techniques ensuring the very best possible results time after time. Our operators are able to carry out effective and productive surveillance on foot, from a moving vehicle, public transport or in a rural setting where they have the ability to maintain concealment and blend in with their surroundings to get the information required and leave without the subject ever knowing they were there.

Asset Tracing & Recovery

Engaging in litigation can be complex and costly. Prior to embarking on any litigation, CMLI can assist by identifying the assets connected to an individual or company, thereby establishing whether a party has the financial viability to provide compensation. We have considerable experience in identifying hidden assets - often the proceeds of complex international frauds. Through cross-boundary investigations we use our established network of contacts to conduct all levels of asset tracing on an international basis. Once those assets have been identified, CMLI Security Ltd offer a comprehensive asset recovery service. Our recovery activities typically include, Motor vehicles including Motorcycles) Light to heavy commercial vehicles, Aircraft, Yachts and small boats, office & IT equipment, Restaurant equipment and removal of Heavy machinery, Agricultural equipment and Earthmoving equipment.

IP Infringement & Brand Protection

Conducting brand protection work is both rewarding and beneficial and sometimes very necessary, you have worked hard to create just the right image and the last thing you want is for counterfeiters, copycats and other bad players infringing your brand illegally by using your intellectual property (IP), your brand name, brand identity and/or violate your trademarks, copyrights, patents, designs and other types of IP to create a false image of quality, ability, service or product by using cheap/substandard imitation(s). CMLI Security Ltd are constantly developing services and skill sets to help our clients protect their brands against infringement such as counterfeiting, piracy and passing-off. To keep up to date with the fluid and ever evolving fraudsters and piracy criminals, CMLI Security Ltd have a wide range of in house-services to help you deal with intellectual property issues including trademark investigations, Internet related problems, large scale anti-counterfeiting operations, patent and copyright infringements.

Covert Investigations & Bug Sweeps

Whether dealing with corporate theft, fraud, espionage or employment issues, covert investigations have usually been the last tool in the investigative process. CMLI Security Ltd provide discreet, covert investigations to uncover external or internal fraud, combat industrial espionage, litigation support and business intelligence. CMLI Security Ltd investigators have a reputation for success in all aspects of covert investigations. All CMLI covert investigators have a police or military background so you can be sure that the expertise you require is the expertise you get. We also offer experienced TSCM (Technical Surveillance Counter Measures) experts that can carry out Counter Surveillance bug sweeps and detection. We use the industry's most advanced electronic counter surveillance and debugging equipment available to locate all types of electronic listening devices including radio and microwave devices, telephone taps and covert video recorders.

Corporate Due Diligence

Conducting due diligence is an essential aspect of every transaction and business relationship, ensuring a high degree of risk mitigation and corporate reassurance. CMLI Security Ltd provides efficient, accurate, and cost-effective due diligence investigation in relation to individuals and companies. Our services include background checks on individuals and companies, proving identity for the purpose of anti-money laundering regulation, establishing integrity for the purpose of bribery, legislation identifying a trading history, assessing the reliability of a potential trading partner and discovering financial irregularities.

Interview Management Solutions (TILES System)

The TILES System enables your agency’s investigators to strategically plan, conduct and evaluate investigative interviews, resulting in shorter interview planning times, shorter interviews, and more effective interview outcomes, contributing to investigative decision-making and investigation outcomes. The system places a digital footprint across an agency’s investigative interviewing workflow achieving efficiency, consistency, and transparency at an organisational level. The software is a highly flexible solution for managing your agency’s investigative interviewing processes, from simple investigative matters to complex investigations involving multiple interviewees and large volumes of data, information and evidence.


Forensics & Network Pen Testing

Computer Forensics is a branch of forensic science relating to identifying evidence found in computers and digital storage media. Using highly skilled computer forensics experts, we are able to examine all types of computer and digital media regardless of size, manufacturer, or operating system. Our computer forensics investigators follow the current industry guidelines and work closely with our investigation teams to uncover relevant evidence. Any material recovered through our computer forensics service will be acceptable in court. Such information can be present on all forms of storage media, including computer hard drives, mobile phones, PDAs, memory sticks etc. Our Network Penetration testers who utilising the latest software and testing techniques, can examine your network and identify weak and vulnerable aspect and offer guidance on the best way to improve your protection to avoid hacking or external data theft. We also have the capability to identify if and where malware and spyware is being used on ICT systems.